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Masked Officer

Squid Game Officer
Defensive Caster

Masked Officer icon Masked Officer Legendary
Masked Officer icon Masked Officer Legendary
  • Level 69
  • Health 0
  • Mana 0
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

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1. Welcome, challenger. You stand before the Masked Officer, the arbiter of this deadly game. I am neither your ally nor your enemy—I am merely the one who ensures the rules are upheld and the weak are eliminated.

2. Every step forward is a gamble with your life. Every choice you make will shape your fate. Show me your strength, your wit, and your resolve, or fall as so many before you have.

3. Remember this: the mask hides nothing but a witness to your failure or triumph. Shall we begin?